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| Books |


Design for Longevity: People, Product, Process, and Platform
Sheng-Hung Lee
Published by Springer Science+Business Media in 2025

Systemic Service Design

Edited by Mari Suoheimo, Peter Jones, Sheng-Hung Lee, Birger Sevaldson

Published by Routledge. ISBN: 9781032817194. [ book link | pdf ]


Design Consciousness ─ Small Things with Big Heart
Sheng-Hung Lee
Sponsored by EMMA Creative Center Pforzheim Designers in Residence Scholarship and Program [ website


IDSA Blueprint in Asia
Sheng-Hung Lee
Sponsored by Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) and International Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) [
website ]

| Journal Paper |


Prototyping Longevity Services: Tech-driven or Human-assisted Service?

Sheng-Hung Lee, Joseph F. Coughlin, and Maria Yang

In: The Design Journal, January 15, 2025 (1-18) [ journal | pdf ]

Innovative Longevity Design through Boundary Object Integration

Sheng-Hung Lee, Joseph F. Coughlin, Maria Yang, and Alexa Balmuth

In: Base Diseño e Innovación. Special Issue “Design and longevity, new perspectives, and challenges” (accepted)


Touch: The Allure of Tangible Design

Sheng-Hung Lee

In: INNOVATION, Spring 2024 [ journal | pdf ]

Transformation by Human-Centered System Design

Sheng-Hung Lee

In: Design Management Institute (DMI): Review Issue, Vol. 35, No. 1 [ journal | pdf | website pdf ]

Design for Longevity: People, Process, and Platform

Sheng-Hung Lee and Andreas Sicklinger

In: diid disegno industriale industrial design, No. 82, 2024 [ journal | pdf ]

Prototyping future visions of vulnerable youth through design for longevity and gender equity

Janka Csernák and Sheng-Hung Lee

In: diid disegno industriale industrial design, No. 82, 2024 [ journal | pdf ]

A Taxonomy of Home Automation: Expert Perspectives on the Future of Smarter Homes

Shabnam FakhrHosseini, Chaiwoo Lee, Sheng-Hung Lee, and Joseph Coughlin

In: Information Systems Frontiers, July 8, 2024 [ journal | pdf ]


The Transformation of Design Platform Under System Thinking

Sheng-Hung Lee, Maria C. Yang, Olivier L. de Weck, and Joseph F. Coughlin

In: International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, October 24, 2023 [ journal | pdf ]


Retail Banking and Financial Service Under System Analysis

Sheng-Hung Lee, Joseph F. Coughlin, and Eric Klopfer

In: Arte, entre paréntesis, December 19, 2022 [ journal | pdf ]


Revisiting My Self-Quarantine Experience through a Data-driven Approach

Sheng-Hung Lee

In: Design Management Institute (DMI): Review Issue, Vol. 32, No. 1 [ journal | pdf | website pdf ]

| Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings |


Shaping a Longevity Service Through Visual, Tangible, Cultural, and Social Artifacts 

Sheng-Hung Lee

In: Rau, PL.P. (eds) Cross-Cultural Design. HCII 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14699. Springer, Cham. [ conf | pdf ]

Design Attributes for Tech- or Touch-based Longevity Services: AI-Empowered Analysis

Sheng-Hung Lee, Joseph F. Coughlin, Maria Yang, and Sofie Hodara

In: Design Management Institute (DMI)─2024 Academic Design Management Conference: Design & Innovation at a Crossroad, Delft, Netherlands, 2024 [ conf | pdf ]

Design for Longevity Literature Review in Product Lifecycle, Financial Planning, and Gerontology  

Sheng-Hung Lee, Joseph F. Coughlin, Sofie Hodara, Maria Yang, Olivier L. de Weck, Eric Klopfer, and John Ochsendorf

In: Design Research Society (DRS)—Resistance, Recovery, Reflection, Reimagination, USA, 2024 [ conf | pdf ]


Enhancing Financial Education for Longevity through Service Design

Sheng-Hung Lee, Joseph F. Coughlin, Sofie Hodara, and Maria Yang

In: Design Research Society (DRS)—Resistance, Recovery, Reflection, Reimagination, USA, 2024 [ conf | pdf ]


Longevity Planning Service Across Immersive Technologies   

Sheng-Hung Lee, Sofie Hodara, Maria Yang, and Joseph F. Coughlin

In: Leaving Nothing Behind Conference at University of Bologna, Italy, 2023

Designing Healthcare Services for Longevity  

Sheng-Hung Lee, Sofie Hodara, Joseph F. Coughlin, Maria Yang, Yu-Chen Chen, Yan-Chun Lin, Shyh-Nan Liou

In: Cumulus Beijing 2023,  Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China, 2023 [ conf | pdf ] 

Designing Longevity Planning Blocks through Experimental Participatory Observation and Interviews  

Sheng-Hung Lee, Joseph F. Coughlin, Alexa Balmuth, Chaiwoo Lee, Lauren Cerino, Maria Yang, Eric Klopfer, Olivier L. de Weck, and John Ochsendorf

In: International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) Congress 2023 ─ Life-changing Design, Milan, Italy, 2023 [ conf | pdf ]


Applying Human-Centered System Design to the Development of a Tool for Service Innovation  

Sheng-Hung Lee, Taylor Patskanick, Alexa Balmuth, and Joseph F. Coughlin

In: Cumulus Antwerp 2023 ─ Connectivity and Creativity in times of Conflict, Antwerp, Belgium, 2023 [ conf | pdf ]

Co-create Financial Planning Services for an Aging Population: Designers' Perspectives 

Sheng-Hung Lee, Maria C. Yang, ‪Olivier L. de Weck, Chaiwoo Lee, Joseph F. Coughlin, Eric Klopfer, and John Ochsendorf

In: ICED23 and The Design Society ─ 24th International Conference on Engineering Design: Design in a complex world, Bordeaux, France, 2023 [ conf | pdf ]

Service Design in Action: Transformation, Consideration, and System Thinking 

Sheng-Hung Lee, Maria C. Yang, ‪Olivier L. de Weck, Chaiwoo Lee, Joseph F. Coughlin, Eric Klopfer, and John Ochsendorf

In: ICED23 and The Design Society ─ 24th International Conference on Engineering Design: Design in a complex world, Bordeaux, France, 2023 [ conf | pdf ]

Design Artifacts and Gaming Transform Financial Planning Services

Sheng-Hung Lee, Joseph F. Coughlin, Alexa Balmuth, and Maria C. Yang

In: Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) ─ International Design Conference (IDC), New York, USA, 2023 [ conf | pdf ]

From Brainstorming to Bodystorming: Co-creation Workshop Analysis Using Applied Video Ethnography

Sheng-Hung LeeJoseph F. Coughlin, Chaiwoo Lee, and Maria C. Yang

In: Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) ─ International Design Conference (IDC), New York, USA, 2023 [ conf | pdf ]

Making the Web Accessible to the Aging Population

Manasi Atul Vaidya and Sheng-Hung Lee

In: 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Hamburge, Germany, 2023 [ conf | pdf ]

An Iterative Approach to User-Centered Design of Smart Home Systems

Lauren C. Cerino, Chaiwoo Lee, Sheng-Hung Lee, Shabnam Fakhr-Hosseini, Heesuk Son, Shen Shen, and Joseph F. Coughlin

In: International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2023 [ conf | pdf ]

Acceptance of Future Home Technologies and Services: Comparing Different Tasks, Scenarios and User Characteristics

Shabnam FakhrHosseini, Chaiwoo Lee, Sheng-Hung Lee, Lauren Cerino, and Joseph Coughlin

In: The 67th Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2023, Washington, DC, USA, 2023 [ conf | pdf ]


Footwear Design Consideration for an Aging Population from User Experience, Service, and Technology Aspects 

Sheng-Hung Lee, Chaiwoo Lee, Maria C. Yang, and Joseph F. Coughlin

In: The 66th Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2022, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2022 [ conf | pdf ]


Re-envision a Hybrid Participatory Design Workshop: People, Pedagogy, and Process—An Experimental Study of Footwear Paper Prototype

Sheng-Hung Lee, Ziyuan Zhu, Chaiwoo Lee, Maria C. Yang, and Joseph F. Coughlin

In: Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) ─ International Design Conference (IDC), Seattle, USA, 2022 [ conf | pdf ]


The Transformation of Design Platform Under System Thinking

Sheng-Hung Lee, Maria C. Yang, Olivier L. de Weck, and Joseph F. Coughlin

In: Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts (DRHA) 2022—Digital

Sustainability: From Resilience to Transformation, London, UK, 2022 [ conf | video ]

Reshape Safe and Sustainable Makerspaces and Laboratories on Campus: An Experimental Study on Material Flow through Human-centered System Design

Sheng-Hung Lee

In: Commons in Design by Swiss National Science Foundation and FHNW Academy of Art and Design Basel, Basel, Switzerland, 2022 [ conf | pdf ]

Evolving Ethics in Design Research: Reshaping Design Considerations for Product Designer

Sheng-Hung Lee, Olivier L. de Weck, and Joseph F. Coughlin

In: Design Management Institute (DMI) ─ 2022 Academic Design Management Conference: Design Management as a Strategic Asset, Toronto, Canada, 2022 [ conf | pdf ]

Human-centered System Design for Global Supply Chain

Sheng-Hung Lee, Olivier L. de Weck, and Joseph F. Coughlin

In: Design Management Institute (DMI) ─ 2022 Academic Design Management Conference: Design Management as a Strategic Asset, Toronto, Canada, 2022 [ conf | pdf ]

Exploring People’s Behavior Through Tracking Assistive Technologies

—Ultra-wideband Wireless Technology and Applications

Sheng-Hung Lee, Olivier L. de Weck, and Joseph F. Coughlin

In: Royal College of Art (RCA) Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design ─ INCLUDE 2022: Unheard Voices, London, UK, 2022 [ conf | video | abstract | poster ]

Computational Design Experiment for Older Adult’s Footwear

—Field-Driven Approach and Product Design Applications

Sheng-Hung Lee, Maria C. Yang, Joseph F. Coughlin, and Alejandro Carcel Lopez

In: Royal College of Art (RCA) Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design ─ INCLUDE 2022: Unheard Voices, London, UK, 2022 [ conf | videoabstract | poster ]

Envisioning Safe and Sustainable Labs with Human-centered System Design: An Experimental Study on Disposable Material Flow

Sheng-Hung Lee

In: Design for the Unimagined ─ 2022 World Design Organization (WDO) Research and Education Forum, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2022 [ conf | pdf ]

Reshaping the Smart Home Research and Development in the Pandemic Era: Considerations around Scalable and Easy-to-Install Design

Heesuk Son, Chaiwoo Lee, Shabnam FakhrHosseini, Sheng-Hung Lee, Joseph F. Coughlin, John Rudnik

In: Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 6, Issue CSCW1 [ conf | pdf ]


Carbon Neutrality in Makerspaces: Circular Makerspace Evaluation Toolkit (CMET)

Sheng-Hung Lee

In: Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) ─ International Design Conference (IDC), virtual, 2021 [ conf | pdf ]

An Architecting Approach to Transformations within the Design Consulting Industry: IDEO Case Study

Sheng-Hung Lee, Wei-Ching Lin, John Rudnik, and Donna H. Rhodes

In: ICED21 and The Design Society ─ 23rd International Conference on Engineering Design: Design In Motion, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2021 [ conf | pdf ]

The Inspiration Design Toolkit: A Human-Centered Design Tool for a System Engineering Course

Sheng-Hung Lee, Maria C. Yang, Beatriz Carramolino, and John Rudnik

In: The ASME 2021 Virtual International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference ─ 18th International Conference on Design Education (DEC), virtual, 2021 [ conf | pdf ]

An Expert Interview Study of IoT Wearable Technologies for an Aging Population from Product, Data, and Society Dimensions
Sheng-Hung Lee, Ziyuan Zhu, Chaiwoo Lee, Fabio Duarte, and Joseph F. Coughlin
In: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) International 2021, virtual, 2021 [
conf pdf ]

Applying a System Engineering Approach to the Early Stage of Product Design

Sheng-Hung Lee, Olivier L. de Weck, and Joseph F. Coughlin

In: The 8th Bandung Creative Movement Conference, virtual, 2021 [ conf pdf ]

Manufacturing Creative Impact: Co-creation Toolkits and Service Design for Remote Hybrid Collaboration Experience

Sheng-Hung Lee, Ziyuan Zhu, Simone Mora, and Joseph F. Coughlin

In: The 8th Bandung Creative Movement Conference, virtual, 2021 [ conf pdf ]

User Needs of Smart Home Services

Shabnam FakhrHosseini, Sheng-Hung Lee, John Rudnik, Heesuk Son, Chaiwoo Lee, Joseph F. Coughlin

In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, virtual, 2021 [ conf pdf ]


Experimenting with Design Thinking and System Engineering Methodologies: Using a Commercial Cislunar Space Development Project as an Example
Sheng-Hung Lee, John Liu, John Rudnik, Olivier L. de Weck, Joseph F. Coughlin, and Jonathan Chapman

In: Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) ─ International Design Conference (IDC), virtual, 2021 [ video pdf ]

Apply Humanity-centered Design Process to Envision the Future Learning Experience of Public Area – Use “Redesign Shanghai Library Innovation Space Project” as an Example
Sheng-Hung Lee, John Rudnik, Lin Lin, Liangtie Tang, and Deming Zhou
In: Design Management Institute (DMI) ─ 2020 Academic Design Management Conference: Impact the Future by Design, virtual, 2021 video 
pdf ]

Apply and Curate the Object-Process Methodology (OPM) and the Human-centered Design to Solve the Systemic Challenge – Use Campus Tour Experience Design as an Example
Sheng-Hung Lee, Chaiwoo Lee, John Rudnik, Chaiwoo Lee, Olivier L. de Weck, Joseph F. Coughlin, and Jonathan Chapman
In: Design Management Institute (DMI) ─ 2020 Academic Design Management Conference: Impact the Future by Design, virtual, 2021video 
pdf ]


An Exploration of the Creative Cognitive Process by Translating the Observation into the Early Stage of the Product Design Development – Apply the Experimental Project “Design Consciousness: Small Things with Big Heart” as an Example
Sheng-Hung Lee, John Rudnik, Tim Storti, and Almut Benkert
In: Design Management Institute (DMI) ─ 2020 Academic Design Management Conference: Impact the Future by Design, virtual, 2021 video 
pdf ]


Apply Funnel Model to Design Thinking Process

Sheng-Hung Lee, Ziyuan Zhu, John Rudnik, Chaiwoo Lee, Joseph F. Coughlin, Olivier L. de Weck, and Jonathan Chapman
In: Design Management Institute (DMI) ─ 2020 Academic Design Management Conference: Impact the Future by Design, virtual, 2021 video 
pdf ]


A Systematic Thinking Design Research Approach Combining the ConOps with Design Scenario – Use Commercial Cislunar Space Development Project as an Example
Sheng-Hung Lee, John Rudnik, Chaiwoo Lee, Shabnam Fakhrhosseini, Olivier L. de Weck, Joseph F. Coughlin, and Jonathan Chapman
In: Design Management Institute (DMI) ─ 2020 Academic Design Management Conference: Impact the Future by Design, virtual, 2021 video 
pdf ]

| Books Translation |


Dieter Rams: The Complete Works
Authors: Klaus Klemp and Dieter Rams
Translator: Sheng-Hung Lee

EN version by Phaidon Press [ book ISBN: 9781838661533 ]

CH version by Faces Publications [ webpage | book | pdf | ISBN: 9786263153691 ]

| Book Chapter Articles |



Boundary Objects for Longevity Services: The Intersection of Tactility, Tech, and Trust

Sheng-Hung Lee

In: Boundary spanning design for better services in digital times, Publisher: Edward Elgar (accepted)

Boundary Objects: Reimagining Design for Longevity and Gender Equality

Sheng-Hung Lee

In: Gender Perspectives for a Renewed Design Culture. Springer (accepted)

Inclusive Financial Planning Service Design Considerations for an Aging Population

Sheng-Hung Lee, Alexa Balmuth, and Joseph F. Coughlin

In: Design in Action, Publisher: INTELLECT, 2024 (accepted)

Social Structures Relevant to Longevity Service Systems

Sheng-Hung Lee, Joseph F. Coughlin, Eric Klopfer, Olivier L. de Weck, John Ochsendorf, and Sofie Hodara

In: Systemic Service Design. Chapter 9. (pp. 164-189). Routledge. ISBN: 9781032817194. [ chapter article | pdf ]

Design for Longevity: An Empathetic Service Design Framework

Sheng-Hung Lee

In: Empathic Service Design: Challenges in design, analysis and services. Bloomsbury. ISBN: 9781350476394 (accepted)

Innovations in Theory and Practice of Systemic Service Design

Mari Suoheimo, Peter Jones, Sheng-Hung Lee, and Birger Sevaldson

In: Systemic Service Design. Chapter 1. (pp. 1-13). Routledge. ISBN: 9781032817194. [ chapter article | pdf ]

Blending Boundaries: A Thorough Exploration of Systems-oriented Design and Service Design Integration

Mari Suoheimo, Michalina Fidos, Marja Kuronen, and Sheng-Hung Lee

In: Systemic Service Design. Chapter 2. (pp. 17-40). Routledge. ISBN: 9781032817194. [ chapter article | pdf ]


Macro-Trend Study Under Service System: Preliminary Research in Service Innovation and Emerging Technology

Sheng-Hung Lee, Maria C. Yang, ‪Olivier L. de Weck, Chaiwoo Lee, Joseph F. Coughlin, and, Eric Klopfer

In: Service Design for Emerging Technologies Product Development. Chapter 4. Springer Series in Design and Innovation, vol 29. Springer, Cham. [ chapter article | pdf ]


A Preliminary Discussion of Human-Centered System Design from Theory to Application: Use Smart Footwear Design for an Aging Population as an Example

Sheng-Hung Lee

In: IxDC Growth, Publisher: Tsinghua University Press, 2022 [ book | pdf ]

| Chinese Design Journals |


Beyond the Basics: Fostering Creative Learning in Design Educatio


Sheng-Hung Lee

In: <DESIGN> 2024 Issue 22 [ journal | pdf ]

Gym Experience Redesign for LongevityTech Health Services

乐龄科技: 畅想全年龄化的健身服务体验

Sheng-Hung Lee

In: <DESIGN> 2024 Issue 37 [ journal | pdf ]

Design for Longevity: Service Innovation and System


Sheng-Hung Lee and Joseph F. Coughlin (edited by Yvette)

In: <DESIGN> 2024 Issue 37 [ journal | pdf ]

AI-enhanced Double Diamond Model: A Refined Approach


Sheng-Hung Lee

In: <DESIGN> 2024 Issue 37 [ journal | pdf ]

The Impact of AI on Design Industry, Research, and Education

AI 对于设计实务、研究与教育的冲击

Sheng-Hung Lee

In: <DESIGN> 2024 Issue 2 [ journal | pdf ]



Design for Longevity: Service Design, Experience, and Innovation

乐龄设计:服务设计、体验与创新 ─ 一场与未来自己的对话

Sheng-Hung Lee

In: <DESIGN> 2023 Issue 24 [ journal | pdf ]



Design Education and Cultivation of All-round Creative Talents


Sheng-Hung Lee, Tony Hu

In: <DESIGN> 2022 Issue 24 [ journal | pdf ]

Design Education is Embodied in the Studio Culture of Diversity, Inclusiveness, and Community Integration


Sheng-Hung Lee, Sofie Hodara

In: <DESIGN> 2022 Issue 24 [ journal | pdf ]

Service Innovation Design of Lab Space: Space Service Experiment in MIT Laboratory


Sheng-Hung Lee

In: <DESIGN> 2022 Issue 18 [ journal | pdf ]

Vision and Reflection of Design Education: MIT Morningside Academy for Design


Sheng-Hung Lee

In: <DESIGN> 2022 Issue 36 [ journal | pdf ]



Understanding and Sharing of Designing Design Education

对设计“ 设计教育”的理解和分享

Sheng-Hung Lee

In: <DESIGN> 2021 Issue 24 [ journal | pdf ]

Reshaping the Online Learning Experience: MIT Co-creation Workshop


Sheng-Hung Lee and Ziyuan Zhu

In: <DESIGN> 2020 Issue 14 [ journal pdf ]


Preliminary Discussion on Design Process of Online Workshop “MAKE TO: GATHER”


Sheng-Hung Lee and Ziyuan Zhu

In: <DESIGN> 2020 Issue 22 [ journal | pdf ]

Preliminary Discussion on the Change of Design Platform Under System Thinking


Sheng-Hung Lee

In: <DESIGN> 2020 Issue 14 [ journal | pdf ]


Design Consciousness: Small Things with Big Heart
Sheng-Hung Lee
In: <DESIGN> 2019 Issue 12 [ journal |
 pdf ]

The Relationship Between Design Literacy and Design in Life
Sheng-Hung Lee
In: <DESIGN> 2019 Issue 4 [ journal
 | pdf ]


Preliminary Discussion on What Makes a Good Design Consultant
Sheng-Hung Lee
In: <DESIGN> 2018 Issue 22 [ journal |
 pdf ]

The World in Designers’ Eyes ─ Design Inspirations from Daily Life
Sheng-Hung Lee
In: <DESIGN> 2018 Issue 18 [ journal |
 pdf ]

The Future Learning Experience of Public Area ─ Redesign Shanghai Library Innovation Space
重新設計公共空間中的未來學習體驗 ─ 以上海圖書館創 · 新空間為例
Sheng-Hung Lee
In: <Industrial Design> 2018 Issue 5 [ journal |
 pdf ]

Brief Discussion on the Essence of Design ─ Reflections on 2018 International Design Excellence Awards Jury
淺談設計本質 — 擔任2018美國國際杰出設計獎(IDEA)評委的反思
Sheng-Hung Lee
In: <DESIGN> 2018 Issue 14 [ journal |
 pdf ]

Learnings and Reflections from Globe Grad Show
一場世界級的設計饗宴 ─ 迪拜設計師周
Sheng-Hung Lee
In: <DESIGN> 2018 Issue 4 [ journal |
 pdf ]


The Inspiration of Design Competitions
Sheng-Hung Lee
In: <DESIGN> 2017 Issue 20 [ journal |
 pdf ]

Everyone is a Designer
Sheng-Hung Lee
In: <DESIGN> 2017 Issue 16 [
journal | pdf ]

| Refereed Chinese Articles in Edited Books and Chapters |


IDEO Design Thinking Method Card: Steelcase Outdoor Furniture Innovative Design Course
Sheng-Hung Lee
In: <Design Methodology and Teaching Application> by Donghua University Press Co., LTD (Chapter: 7)
pdf ]

Reshape the Future Learning Experience Space from the Perspective of Value Proposition: Take Shanghai Library Innovation Space Design as an Example
從價值主張出發重塑未來學習體驗空間:以上海圖書館創 • 新空間設計為例
Sheng-Hung Lee
In: <Design Methodology and Teaching Application> by Donghua University Press Co., LTD (Chapter: 8) 
pdf ]


Design Thinking Driven Public Service Innovation: Humanity-centered Public Space Service Design
Sheng-Hung Lee
In: <Construct a New Framework for UX - Personality, Intelligence, Platform> by Tsinghua University Press (page 125 to page 131) pdf ]


Explore Design Innovation in Daily Life
Sheng-Hung Lee
In: Design360° [ articlepdf ]


Observation and Reflection about Overdesign in Daily Life

STOP! 設計過度了!

Sheng-Hung Lee

In: Design360° [ article | pdf ]

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